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Simple Victorian Additions for Big Impact

Historically, Victorian style was composted of heavy ornate furniture, knicknacks everywhere and adhered to the mantra that bigger was better. The combined ambiance was warm, dramatic, complex and overflowing with luxury. In theory, it is the opposite of today's modern style with minimalist cleaned up spaces. So why are we suggesting it for your contented home?


Everyone has "that" school photo... you know the one... the digital time-capsule one. Whether your bangs were Farah Faucett Feathered or Aqua Net teased to the heavens, that image is a time-stamp of who you were. And if you were lucky, your mama talked you out of that shimmery blue eye shadow and oranged Sun-In hair for something a bit more timeless you. That's what we strive for in a contented home... elements that add function and flattery to your space that won't need to change every time the wind blows. If you are going to invest your time and attention to your nest, choose timeless details that will continue to work for you and you'll be excited to see years down the road. Victorian style is timeless for a reason... it's comprised of elements that you can draw from and enjoy in your space today.

Oh Paula, you're forever my girl but that hairstyle isn't forever for sure...

Velvet & Scrumptious Fabrics

Historically we see Victorian pieces that are done with an excess of tufting, fringing, pleating, or gathering of fabric on the furniture. How does that translate to adding dimension to your room? Consider new items with a soft fabric, a unique pleat or even a skirt.

Adding new trim to existing furniture is fast and inexpensive. It can be purchased pre-made at most fabric stores. Then you simply stitch, velcro or hot-glue it to your existing furniture, lampshades, drapes etc. These soften the lines of your space and balance out modern or traditional pieces with straighter lines.

One impact throw pillow or textured blanket quickly adds charm and personality... keep an eye out for those small Victorian details that will keep you smiling.

I'm a huge fan of slipcovers - we have a home that requires periodic washing and there's nothing more fresh than a chair that smells like clean laundry! Velour and velvet stretchy slipcovers offer that touchable textile and are really cost effective and versatile. They also give you the option to add extra trim without the commitment of stitching directly to your existing furniture.

These lampshades don't scream Victorian, I know. But they are the perfect example of adding a Victorian element (textured ribbon trim) to a modern piece. It makes it unique, and full of personality. A happy little moment that increases the smile-factor of your space. Victorian timeless with a modern take.

Moldings & Trim

Victorian homes were chock full of moldings and trims. Anywhere they could add opulence they would! And it's still a wonderful way to add texture and interest to your space. Whether it's a simple chair-rail or a full battenboard wall, you can thank your Victorian ancestors for the idea.

Trim-terrific furniture styles also evoke that substantial luxurious feel in modern spaces.

The Victorian age has timeless elements we can incorporate into our spaces without the fuss and expense. Stay tuned for future posts with some specific how-to's!


Disclaimer : I have personally researched, purchased and use the products suggested above. I am also an Amazon Affiliate. Some of the links used are affiliate links. By buying through the links I may receive a commission for the sale from Amazon. This has no effect on the price for you.

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