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Location, location, LOCATION! - Using Existing Pieces In Better Ways!

A contented home always begins by catering to what you need at this specific point in your life. You may have grown up in a home where design-magazines dictated every bed be flanked by 2 matching nightstands and every dining space had a china cabinet. But that's (thankfully) simply not necessary thinking.

When developing your space, the first thing you need to determine - what am I going to use this space for, what will need in this space and how do I want it to feel?

What's In A Name?

Whether your home is large or small, it's likely divided into spaces - and those spaces have names. I challenge you to re-name your entire house based on how you actually use it. If your formal dining room feeds people 4 days out of the year and is a homework space 300 days of the year, then.. my friend.. that's the homework room. If your formal living room houses more barbie tea-parties than it hosts formal guests, then congratulations - you're the proud new owner of a playroom.

Your life will change, the titles will change. But there is no need to constantly frown at a formal dining table covered in paperwork with a cabinet full of dusty fine china in the corner.

Triple Threat

So now that you've decided what a space is going to be used for, take inventory of what pieces you have in your home and how they may be used to solve storage and service needs. Don't be afraid to break up furniture sets, rearrange and repurpose pieces!

That dusty fine china we were just talking about? It may be time to stack it gently into lower cabinets/drawers or even box it up until the holidays and use those display shelves to hold textbooks, the printer, decorative boxes to hold supplies - anything that will make the space more functional and easier on the eyes so you can visually breathe! Here are some other fun ideas :

All Dressed Up!

Dressers in Dining Spaces : Dressers make fantastic buffets / server / sideboards in dining and kitchen areas. They offer ample storage (think baking sheets / platters / formal dishes) and surface area to serve as a coffee bar or dessert center

Dressers in Living Spaces : Dressers are optimal solutions for under televisions in living spaces or as hefty sofa tables. Again the offer great storage (DVDs, extra power cords, toys toys toys) and are usually the perfect depth for those spaces. Bonus - they hide lamp cords better than traditional sofa tables.

Dressers in the Office : Every desk needs a credenza. They can sit adjoining or behind and offer fantastic storage (think paper, supplies, books) and are a fantastic place to add a coffee bar, printer station or open workspace when the desk gets cluttered up (come on now, it's not just me!)

Out of the Cabinet!

China Cabinets in Entryways - Dressers & China cabinets are fantastic solutions in entryway spaces. They offer great options to hide storage of winter scarves, gloves, bike helmets, umbrellas - especially when coat closets are small. They also offer surface area for display of favorite photos and a basket or tray to catch car keys and purses.

China Cabinets in the Kitchen - China cabinets and hutches offer great versatility in the kitchen. Beyond displaying dishes - think using as a bookshelf for cookbooks, baskets of utensils, baking pantry or designs with exposed buffet tops make a great coffee station, bar or baking center!

China Cabinets in Living Spaces & Offices - My favorite piece in our living room is an antique china cabinet. It was way too large to work in our dinette so it takes up an entire wall in our living room. It's like having a full built in - complete with hidden storage underneath and display bookshelf storage on top. They make great printer stations and bookcases in the office as well!

China Cabinets in Bedrooms and Baths - smaller china cabinets and hutches are an innovative way to store guest linens, serve as a bookcase or additional closet displaying purses and favorite shoes.

In The End

End tables / night stands and small chest of drawers are the staple of the furniture world. If you have a fantastic solid wood smaller piece or occasional table it's likely they will serve you in multiple ways over the years. consider putting one with a small lamp, toilet paper and towels in a guest bath. Put one at the end of a hallway with a tiny cozy chair for a reading nook or INSIDE of a closet for sock / sweater storage underneath hanging clothes.

Do you have a piece that's graduated out of the 'traditional" useage? Send us a pic!!


Disclaimer : I have personally researched, purchased and use the products suggested above. I am also an Amazon Affiliate. Some of the links used are affiliate links. By buying through the links I may receive a commission for the sale from Amazon. This has no effect on the price for you.

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